Search & book holiday accommodations
{{resultCount}} Accommodation found. {{resultCount}} Accommodations found. #mehr als 100 Unterkünfte
Offer: {{offerName}} - {{offerValue/100}}% Discount
Period: Periods: ab {{d.from}} till {{d.till}}  |  
Condition: Anreise muss in spätestens einem Tag erfolgen Anreise muss in spätestens {{offerTimeSpan}} Tagen erfolgen Anreise darf frühestens nach einem Tag erfolgen Anreise darf frühestens in {{offerTimeSpan}} Tagen erfolgen
Minimum stay: {{offerMinStay}} Night {{offerMinStay}} Nights
Note: Select travel period and see exact prices and offers!
{{mapSelectedUnit.facilityName | vautolang}} {{ | vautolang}}
{{value}}, {{value}}
  • {{mapSelectedUnit.rooms}}
  • {{mapSelectedUnit.beds}}
  • {{mapSelectedUnit.bedrooms}}
  • {{mapSelectedUnit.squareMeters}} m2
  • {{mapSelectedUnit.bathrooms}}
{{mapSelectedUnit.facilityName | vautolang}} {{ | vautolang}}
{{value}}, {{value}}
  • {{mapSelectedUnit.rooms}}
  • {{mapSelectedUnit.beds}}
  • {{mapSelectedUnit.bedrooms}}
  • {{mapSelectedUnit.squareMeters}} m2
  • {{mapSelectedUnit.bathrooms}}

The site map cannot be displayed because you have not yet consented to the use of Google Maps.

{{u.calc.oTotal | vcurrency}} {{ | vcurrency}}
from {{u.minRent | vcurrency}} #pro Woche per night
{{u.fb_count}} Review {{u.fb_count}} Reviews
{{u.type | vsoption('hpunit.type')}}
{{u.address.street}}, {{}}
{{u.rooms}} Room
{{u.bedrooms}} Bedroom
{{u.bathrooms}} Bathroom
{{u.squareMeters}} m2
max. {{u.beds}} persons
max. 1 Dog allowed
max. 2 Dogs allowed
max. 3 Dogs allowed
Dogs on request
Dogs allowed
Dogs not allowed

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